Is the Internet killing the newspaper?

IS it killing the newspapers??

In march 2009,  Scott Bradner from Network World  reported his views on how he thinks the newspapers are falling out in its day and age.
He had pointed out some facts that in the earlier years that people were more inclined to want to get the juice of the day streight away  rather than later at a scheduled time.
With the way things are now in the present date of 2012, most people rely on the internet or other means to get their news then using the newspapers now  for their conveniences of how fast they can get it and the types of news they would want.

And who wouldn’t go for another way of getting it by going onto a regular and popular site that many friends and strangers go on and put your own opinion of the topic of free of charge?

So do you think the internet is killing the newspapers or is it something else that we havent thought of?

And why even if certain people think the internet is killing the papers do we still have it?
Well because newspapers are more stable than the gossip that we get on the internet, and most of that stuff branch off from the newspapers anyway for people who have no means of technology around them, so what can you do if you don’t have a television or a means to get to internet?

easy, get a satellite phone so you can get it where ever you are.
or don’t be stupid enough to get stranded in the middle of some deserted place with no internet or phone services to get the latest gossips.

having newspapers are more convenient for people who are traveling or has no way of getting the news they are looking for by the usual means and so they would go for the newspapers.

but who knows, not like i can get the gist of it seeing im more on going for the internet way of getting the gossip. Its more convenient

why i chose to do the topic: Is the internet killing the newspapers.

I chose to pick this topic because it is the most simplistic one out of the lot we chose.
It’s also something that i wanted to find out for myself and see other people’s opinions on this and how they feel about it.
my opinion of this is that i think that in the future many people will turn to use the internet or other varies of sources to get their news when new generations come and go with new futures.
its more so because i think that when there is a new generation the old one will fade away and so will their ways on how they see and do things. and that would explain some of the newspaper company’s making other ways to get profit and the way that we are evolving to making new things easier to access.

thats what i think anyway.

my targets are mainly people who use the internet and newspapers to get the gossip from things.

i was trying to make an all round view to say im not with or against newspapers or internet , but am mostly on the internet side of the topics.

some fallacies i used in my blog post are Appeals to authority, strawman, and others…..>:L

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